This essay is the last in a series written by Achim Goerres for the project “Ageing Democracies? Political Participation and Cultural Values Among the Elderly in Europe” financed by the Open Society Foundation. The complete project report with all essays and the reports written by the other project members can be found here. “With 20...
WeiterlesenHow the young get more than the elderly out of society – but not out of the state
Pieter Vanhuysse, University of Southern Denmark Accusations levelled against the baby boomer generation for hoarding too much wealth and wielding too much “grey power” in an age of “gerontocracy” have become commonplace across Europe. At the centre of this debate lies the question of what resources different generations pass on to each other –...
WeiterlesenThere will never be a political age conflict between the young and the old.
This essay is the fifth in a series written by Achim Goerres for the project “Ageing Democracies? Political Participation and Cultural Values Among the Elderly in Europe” financed by the Open Society Foundation. The complete project report with all essays and the reports written by the other project members can be found here. In this essay...
WeiterlesenWelchen Einfluss haben persönliche Veränderungen auf die Bereitschaft nicht-institutionell politisch zu partizipieren?
von Florian Gerls. Die Teilhabe am politischen Prozess ist zweifellos Grundpfeiler einer jeden Demokratie. Klassisch durch Wahlen realisiert fand in den 60er und 70er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts eine Zunahme von, bis dahin als unkonventionell bezeichneten, Formen politischer Partizipation statt. Demonstrationen, Bürgerinitiativen und Unterschriftenaktionen wurden zunehmend als Möglichkeit zur Ergänzung und später auch als...
WeiterlesenSocial inequalities within the group of older people impede the formation of a politically uniform bloc of older people
This essay is the third in a series written by Achim Goerres for the project “Ageing Democracies? Political Participation and Cultural Values Among the Elderly in Europe” financed by the Open Society Foundation. The complete project report with all essays and the reports written by the other project members can be found here. There are...
WeiterlesenAs we age, we do not grow politically more conservative. Age differences in political preferences are almost exclusively due to the ways different cohorts grew up.
This essay is the third in a series written by Achim Goerres for the project “Ageing Democracies? Political Participation and Cultural Values Among the Elderly in Europe” financed by the Open Society Foundation. The complete project report with all essays and the reports written by the other project members can be found here. One...
WeiterlesenPopulation ageing is not a new phenomenon in Europe. What is new is that we talk about it.
This essay is the first of a series written by Achim Goerres for the project „Ageing Democracies? Political Participation and Cultural Values Among the Elderly in Europe“ financed by the Open Society Foundation. The complete project report with all essays and the reports written by the other project members can be found here. By...
WeiterlesenAlte gegen Junge? Alix Faßmanns „Anleitung zur Karriereverweigerung“
von Regina Weber Eine junge Frau macht als Journalistin schnell Karriere, aus dem sicheren Job bei der Tageszeitung zieht sie es in ein neues Medien-Projekt in die Zentrale „einer großen Volkspartei”. Nach einem Jahr in der Parteizentrale gibt sie entnervt auf, fährt mit dem Wohnmobil durch Italien und schreibt ein Buch: “Arbeit ist nicht...