Measuring subjective social stratification: How does the graphical layout of rating scales affect response distributions, response effort, and criterion validity in web surveys?
Dr. Timo Lenzner & Dr. Jan Karem Höhne Previous research has shown that survey question characteristics, such as the shape of rating scales, can affect how respondents interpret and respond to survey questions. For example, earlier studies reported different response distributions for survey…
Von der Diktatur in die Demokratie? Die politische Integration von Menschen spanischer, portugiesischer und griechischer Herkunft in Deutschland
Von Manuel Diaz Garcia Info über den Autor: Manuel Diaz Garcia beendete im März 2020 den Bachelor Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Im Rahmen seiner Bachelorarbeit mit dem Titel „Von der Diktatur in die Demokratie? Eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse von Einzelinterviews zur politischen Integration…
Brexit Day: Why an LSE-trained Academic is Deeply Sad in Germany
By Achim Goerres This is a rather personal contribution that does not fit the usual remit of our blog. I am deeply sad today. Today is Brexit Day, the 31st of January 2020. At midnight Brussels time, the United Kingdom will leave the European…